高质量英文Cover Letter范文模板


高质量英文Cover Letter范文模板

时间:2020-07-01 21:39:01 阅读:732
毕业季相信很多留学生都需要写cover letter进行求职,所以cover letter很大程度上决定了大家是否能拿到offer!本文DueEssay论文网为大家分享一篇英文cover letter范文模板,是什么让它如此完美且特殊呢?求职信格式是怎样的呢?所有优秀的求职信都有一个共同点:它们都是基于一个行之有效的模板。 英文cover letter范文模板 Dear Katherine, 开头(让他们着迷,以他们继续阅读你的求职信) As a lifelong enthusiast of XYZ’s marketing initiatives,I was thrilled to see your posting for the position of Digital Marketing Manager.I am positive I can help with the XYZ’s upcoming challenges.I have experience with leading successful national online campaigns with budgets over$300,000.What is more,I have succeeded at expanding ABC’s client base by 19%since 2011. 第二个段落(解释为什么你是最好的候选人) In my current position at ABC,I have supervised all phases of our online marketing initiatives,both technical and creative.Last year,my key challenge was to design and optimize nine product websites for ABC’s most strategic products and improve our SEO results as well as enhance the UX.Here we are the year later: •Eight of nine websites I optimized have achieved and secured their spot in the DueEssay 3 results on Google.These are organic,non-paid results for 10+key search terms; •The incoming search engine traffic to all nine websites compromises 47%of the total organic traffic for the key words and phrases. 第三个段落(解释为什么本公司合适你) I know that XYZ’s current plans involve developing a comprehensive online portal focused on healthcare-related issues.This project is a perfect match for my personal and professional interests and an existing opportunity to create a unique online base of knowledge for patients and healthcare professionals.I would love to leverage my knowledge of SEO marketing and online growth marketing to achieve groundbreaking results with this initiative. 结束语 I would welcome the chance to discuss your digital marketing objectives and show you how my success in ABC can translate into digital and online marketing growth for XYZ. 正式闭幕 Kind regards, Jane Redlock 附言(达成协议) P.S.–I would also value the opportunity to show you how my e-detailing solutions grew the combined sales of three ABC flagship products by a record-breaking 13%in one year. 以上就是一篇cover letter范文模板全部内容,希望对不会写cover letter的小伙伴们有所帮助。除此之外,小编还分享过一些Cover Letter的写作小技巧,有兴趣的同学可参考阅读|关于Cover Letter,你应该知道的那些事:http://www.lxws.net/new.php?id=2130。当然,也可以选择我们的cover letter代写服务,确保为大家写出高质量英文求职信,帮助大家顺利拿到offer!
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