时间:2021-09-22 09:24:12 阅读:278
Question +Answer +Plan
# 1 . Question
首先,你要让读者明白你这篇Essay研究的问题。比如,我们拿到这样的题目 ‘Explore the emergence of Japanese social gap issue ’。最简单的做法是直接重复论文题目‘this essay will explore the emergence of the social gap issue in Japan.’,这么做固然不会有错,但也不会有任何加分;稍微简单的做法是直接paraphrase论文题目,显示你是有稍微思考过一下的。但比较高端一点的做法是结合你看过的材料或者文献,写出你对这个题目的理解和分析,这里的关键点是你自己的理解。
Having undergone the 20 years rapid economic development since 1989, the increasingly emerged social gap in Japanese society gradually becomes a problem that leads to the stagnation of social progress. It is, therefore, worth our attention to further examine the underlying logic behind the surface of this seemingly economic miracle.
# 2 . Answer
说完Essay的题目,下一步就是给出你的答案,也就是你的论点。可能有人会吐槽 ‘在开头回答了问题不就让文章读起来没有悬念了吗?’学术Essay不是小说或者散文,不需要通过设置悬念来吊起读者的胃口!恰恰相反,你需要让读者在开头就明白你这篇论文的论点,或者说你作为笔者所支持的立场。不需要写出what you will have to say,而应该理解为对论文question的一个brief response。
There are two assumptions after a large amount of academy research. The first one is government's neo-liberal development strategy brought about social gap; the second one is low employment rate kept increasing the social gap.
# 3 . Plan
给读者一个概念,这篇Essay将运用什么样的方法来'answer'你的‘question’。你需要在这里说明你将如何develop and support 你的观点表达清楚每一个步骤。这里提及的步骤需要完全如实的反映到接下来的主体段。
This essay will adopt Stuart's Grounded Theory as a framework to explore factors that contribute to the social gap problem in Japan since 1989 and further through comparing the economic situation before and after economic bubble period, we could come to the conclusion that low employment rate and embrace of neoliberalism are two main reasons that lead to the emerging social gap.
02.Body Part
# 1 . 字数要求
首先一点,看要求字数,body part的字数占整篇Essay的80%左右。一篇2000字的Essay,除去开头结尾,一般来说可以写3个主体段落,每个段落大概400-450字左右,太长或太短都会无法很清楚的论证你的论点。同样的,一篇4000字的Essay,则可以考虑写6-7个主体段,每一段的字数控制在500左右。虽说并没有规定每一段必须多少字,但是如果一个段落的长度超过2页A4纸,势必会显得过于冗长。类似的,如果说一个段落只有2-3句话,就会无法充分地论证你的论点。
# 2 . 论点
有了这样的大体框架,接下来就可以确定下来你的论点个数。2000字Essay,一般认为3个论点比较适宜;而4000字Essay,可以考虑有5个论点。需要注意的是,按照重要程度安排论点顺序。在具体论证的时候可以遵循的规则是:主要论点+论点的解释+举例佐证+适当的引用文献。如果觉得思路不够明确,那么你可以尝试写下这些内容:definition,data,以及 reference。这么做的目的在于帮助你理清楚每一个element之间的逻辑关系和除去对论证过程没有帮助的element。
# 3 . 论证
Conlusion的字数占整篇Essay的10%左右。经过一系列基于真实数据的细致论证之后,结尾重复点出你在开头提出的探究问题, 简单总结你对于所探究问题的回答,最后还需再次说明Essay的意义。这里说的意义包括:Why your answer is important +To whom it matters 。和Introduction相对应的,conclusion的顺序应该是 question, answer and who cares 。很关键的一点是,不要在结尾提出新论点! 有些小伙伴或许会疑惑,重复这么多次有必要吗?有。因为你需要用这样的方式来让第一次阅读你文章的读者始终都明晰你所要表达的内容。还是以开篇的introduction为例,结尾可以考虑这么呼应:
In summary, this essay explores the reason for the emergence of Japan's social gap issue suggesting that the long-term economic recession, change in employment pattern and structural reform escalated social divisions. Under current Japanese social structure, hard-working people cannot necessarily be rewarded, especially for the people who live at the bottom of society. Japanese society is divided into ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ and this gap is only increasing due to modern global shifts. This leads to a large section of the Japanese community being disenfranchised and disillusioned, leading in turn to social instability, crime and a heavy burden on the welfare state.
Question +Answer +Plan
# 1 . Question
首先,你要让读者明白你这篇Essay研究的问题。比如,我们拿到这样的题目 ‘Explore the emergence of Japanese social gap issue ’。最简单的做法是直接重复论文题目‘this essay will explore the emergence of the social gap issue in Japan.’,这么做固然不会有错,但也不会有任何加分;稍微简单的做法是直接paraphrase论文题目,显示你是有稍微思考过一下的。但比较高端一点的做法是结合你看过的材料或者文献,写出你对这个题目的理解和分析,这里的关键点是你自己的理解。
Having undergone the 20 years rapid economic development since 1989, the increasingly emerged social gap in Japanese society gradually becomes a problem that leads to the stagnation of social progress. It is, therefore, worth our attention to further examine the underlying logic behind the surface of this seemingly economic miracle.
# 2 . Answer
说完Essay的题目,下一步就是给出你的答案,也就是你的论点。可能有人会吐槽 ‘在开头回答了问题不就让文章读起来没有悬念了吗?’学术Essay不是小说或者散文,不需要通过设置悬念来吊起读者的胃口!恰恰相反,你需要让读者在开头就明白你这篇论文的论点,或者说你作为笔者所支持的立场。不需要写出what you will have to say,而应该理解为对论文question的一个brief response。
There are two assumptions after a large amount of academy research. The first one is government's neo-liberal development strategy brought about social gap; the second one is low employment rate kept increasing the social gap.
# 3 . Plan
给读者一个概念,这篇Essay将运用什么样的方法来'answer'你的‘question’。你需要在这里说明你将如何develop and support 你的观点表达清楚每一个步骤。这里提及的步骤需要完全如实的反映到接下来的主体段。
This essay will adopt Stuart's Grounded Theory as a framework to explore factors that contribute to the social gap problem in Japan since 1989 and further through comparing the economic situation before and after economic bubble period, we could come to the conclusion that low employment rate and embrace of neoliberalism are two main reasons that lead to the emerging social gap.
02.Body Part
# 1 . 字数要求
首先一点,看要求字数,body part的字数占整篇Essay的80%左右。一篇2000字的Essay,除去开头结尾,一般来说可以写3个主体段落,每个段落大概400-450字左右,太长或太短都会无法很清楚的论证你的论点。同样的,一篇4000字的Essay,则可以考虑写6-7个主体段,每一段的字数控制在500左右。虽说并没有规定每一段必须多少字,但是如果一个段落的长度超过2页A4纸,势必会显得过于冗长。类似的,如果说一个段落只有2-3句话,就会无法充分地论证你的论点。
# 2 . 论点
有了这样的大体框架,接下来就可以确定下来你的论点个数。2000字Essay,一般认为3个论点比较适宜;而4000字Essay,可以考虑有5个论点。需要注意的是,按照重要程度安排论点顺序。在具体论证的时候可以遵循的规则是:主要论点+论点的解释+举例佐证+适当的引用文献。如果觉得思路不够明确,那么你可以尝试写下这些内容:definition,data,以及 reference。这么做的目的在于帮助你理清楚每一个element之间的逻辑关系和除去对论证过程没有帮助的element。
# 3 . 论证
Conlusion的字数占整篇Essay的10%左右。经过一系列基于真实数据的细致论证之后,结尾重复点出你在开头提出的探究问题, 简单总结你对于所探究问题的回答,最后还需再次说明Essay的意义。这里说的意义包括:Why your answer is important +To whom it matters 。和Introduction相对应的,conclusion的顺序应该是 question, answer and who cares 。很关键的一点是,不要在结尾提出新论点! 有些小伙伴或许会疑惑,重复这么多次有必要吗?有。因为你需要用这样的方式来让第一次阅读你文章的读者始终都明晰你所要表达的内容。还是以开篇的introduction为例,结尾可以考虑这么呼应:
In summary, this essay explores the reason for the emergence of Japan's social gap issue suggesting that the long-term economic recession, change in employment pattern and structural reform escalated social divisions. Under current Japanese social structure, hard-working people cannot necessarily be rewarded, especially for the people who live at the bottom of society. Japanese society is divided into ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ and this gap is only increasing due to modern global shifts. This leads to a large section of the Japanese community being disenfranchised and disillusioned, leading in turn to social instability, crime and a heavy burden on the welfare state.
郑重声明:文章内容来自互联网,纯属作者个人观点,仅供参考,并不代表本站立场 ,版权归原作者所有!