


时间:2021-07-29 13:04:22 阅读:400

  正所谓“万事开头难”,我们留学生在代写Report的时候亦如是。很多留学生收到老师给的Report题目一脸懵逼不知道Report开头段怎么写,眼看着due一天天临近写作进度却一拖再拖。本文就位大家分享英文Report开头的写作——方法漏斗开头法(funnel introduction)以及一些开头段模板举例。


  首先,让我们来了解开头段基本结构,它包含了两大部分(摘自《Writing Academic English》):

  1.General statements(背景概述)

  2.the thesis statement(中心思想)


  1.General statements

  introduce the general topic of the report

  capture the reader's interest

  2.the thesis statement

  states the specific topic

  may list subtopics or subdivisions of the main topic or subtopics

  may indicate the pattern of organzation of the report

  is normally the last sentence in the introductory paragraph




  |When the first Europeans came to the North American continent,they encountered the completely new cultures of the Native American peoples of North America.Native Americans,who had highly developed cultures in many respects,must have been as curious about the strange European manners and customs as the Europeans were curious about them.As always happens when two or more cultures come into contact,there was a cultural exchange.Native Americans adopted some of the Europeans'ways,and the Europeans adopted some of their ways.As a result,Native Americans have made valuable contributions to modern U.S.culture,particularly in the areas of language,art,food,and government.|(案例来源:《Writing Academic English》)

  无划线部分general statements:

  |When the first Europeans came to the North American continent,they encountered the completely new cultures of the Native American peoples of North America.Native Americans,who had highly developed cultures in many respects,must have been as curious about the strange European manners and customs as the Europeans were curious about them.As always happens when two or more cultures come into contact,there was a cultural exchange.Native Americans adopted some of the Europeans'ways,and the Europeans adopted some of their ways.|


  所以,在“背景概述”(general statements)部分,我们只是了解了一个大方向的背景,它在引导读者们了解这篇文章的主题背景内容,和吸引读者去看文章,却没有给出具体的内容。

  有划线部分the thesis statement:

  |As a result,Native Americans have made valuable contributions to modern U.S.culture,particularly in the areas of language,art,food,and government.|

  正是因为general statements只给出了大方向的背景,而无具体文章走向,所以中心思想(the thesis statement)需要给出具体性语言,清楚地告知了读者文化到底发生了什么方向的变化,并且还能陈述清楚具体被影响的细项(language,art,food and government)。


  那么,以上这个开头段案例,就运用了咱们开头所说的“漏斗开头法”(funnel introduction)。之所以这么称呼它,是因为整个开头段的布局如同一个漏斗一样,在顶端比较宽,而底部比较窄。

  在开头段部分,咱们首先会以1-2句非常概述性的语言介绍主题。而随后的句子会越来越集中于需要探讨的主题,直到最后一句话给出该文章非常具体性的内容。运用“漏斗开头法”的过程,就如同你在拍照的时候,一开始先定位在整个大的画面,然后不断地、越来越集中地聚焦到最需要被拍摄的对象——你的中心思想(thesis statement)。


  当然,你也可以将这种“漏斗开头法”称呼为“倒三角开头法”(an inverted-pyramid introduction),其实本质也是一样的。

  如果将这种“漏斗开头法”或“倒三角开头法”运用到考场类作文(比如雅思或者托福写作中考察观点类)之时,我们则可以在开头部分先运用一些吸引他人的引子(hooks),表明整个主题的背景(等同于前文提及的general statements),随后给出一些表达个人观点的过渡词(transitions,参考以下内容),表明自己的中心观点(opinion,等同于前文提及的thesis)。

  In my opinion,

  As far as I am concerned,

  In my experience,

  In my view,

  In my estimation,

  From my experience,

  From my perspective,

  Personally speaking,

  以上就是关于“漏斗开头法”的介绍啦!最后,给各位留下另一个案例,看看你们能否清楚辨认哪些是“general statements”,哪些是“the thesis statement”?


  |Moving to a new country can be an exciting,even exhilarating experience.In a new environment,you somehow feel more alive.Seeing new sights,eating new food,hearing the foreign sounds of a new language,and feeling a different climate against your skin stimulate your sense as never before.Soon,however,this sensory bombardment becomes sensory overload.Suddenly,new experiences seem stressful rather than stimulating,and delight turns into discomfort.This is the phenomenon known as culture shock.Culture shock is more than jet lag or homesickness,and it affects nearly everyone who enters a new culture—tourists,business travelers,diplomats,and students alike.Although not everyone experiences culture shock in exactly the same way,many experts agree that it has roughly five stages.

郑重声明:文章内容来自互联网,纯属作者个人观点,仅供参考,并不代表本站立场 ,版权归原作者所有!


下一篇:这些personal statement开头要不得!

