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想写好一篇英文Essay,使用连接词是非常必要的。使用恰当的连接词,可以让句子之间的转换更加顺畅,加强彼此的逻辑关系。那么英文Essay该如何使用连接词呢?下面就给大家讲解一下连接词的使用心得。 学习考试标准,肯定能为我们指条明路。 --Logically organizes information and ideas;there is clear progression throughout 有逻辑的组织内容;全文清楚的渐进发展。 --Uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately,although there may be some under/over use 句子与句子之间,段落与段落之间,恰当的使用过渡词汇"cohesive devices"(transition words)来连接,但是避免使用过多或过少的transition words. --Presents a clear central topic within each paragraph 每一段必须有每一段的主旨。但是避免节外生枝。 先看第一条,“有逻辑的组织内容”。 所以有逻辑的组织,就是指有非常明确的标签, 告诉读者每句话所代表的含义。 比如观点句要清晰可见,之后要紧跟例子或解释,再往后就是结论。 你可以把解释和例子用一句话表达,也可以分开,但每个观点后必须都要有。 越是高分的作文,观点都要展开讨论一次,否则会被认为是没有讨论。 比如: One reason for this trend is economic.People are generally more affluent than in the past,and this means that they can afford to make the choice to live alone,something not always possible in the past.In addition to this,there are also cultural factors.There used to be more pressure to marry young and think about having a family.Now though,people desire self-fulfillment,and will marry later or divorce if their marriage is not happy.Also,the developments in communication technology such as social media mean that people can live alone but still feel connected to others. 题目是:In recent times,many people are making the decision to live alone.What are the causes of this? 请注意这一段中means that部分是一个非常聪明的做法。 它很好的将观点和结果联系在了一起。 这样既可以表述自己的观点,同时一笔带过观点所导致的结果, 等同于展开了一次讨论,这样就是符合逻辑的。 尤其是最后一句话,巧妙的将观点、例子、结论整合成一句。 而,许多同学的写法大部分会是: Also,developments in communication technology make us easily connect to others. 两句话虽然意思雷同,但是例子中的这句话符合逻辑要求, 而我们写的则只是单纯的观点句,这样在逻辑环节就会失分。 生硬的转折,是任何分段都要避免的 例如: It is no doubt that early technological developments make people's life more convenient and comfortable.For example,the automobile makes traveling far away from home come true.With the automobile,people can attend to school or office,which is too far to commute by feet.Fertilizer is another early technology in chemical field.By the usage of fertilizer,farmer can output more food production,solving the shortage of food,which is caused by the increasing population.However early technologies also brought some serious consequences.One of the consequence,as media reported,was that lots of children sick because they drank poisoned water by fertilizer. 开头这句话,代表了作者的段落主旨。 既然提到了早年的科技,让人们的生活更加便捷和舒适, 那么整个段落就应该围绕它展开。 然而下面就缺少了连接词(汽车和化肥是两个事物,过度要有连接词), 其次,这句话是在陈述事实。正确做法是,观点句的位置上要表明自己的立场。 Besides that,fertilizer is another useful technology which is used to solve the shortage of food. 改成这样之后,是不是读起来更加通顺了呢。 如果在你的段落中,经常会列举2个以上的观点。那么你可以参考这样的结构: 1.Thesis statement 2.example/explain 3.conclusion 4.topic sentence 5.example/explain 6.conclusion 如同上面段落里的第一句,就是thesis statement. topic sentence。中间的差别你可以细细品味下。 总结 写作的确不是一蹴而就的事情。 每个人对写作技巧的理解和领悟也会天差地别。 鲁迅曾说过,好文章不是写出来的,而是改出来的。 以上就是关于英文Essay中连接词的使用,恰当的链接词可以让你的文章读起来更通顺,而过多的链接词则会显得冗余,希望大家都能注意这个问题。更多内容可以访问Meeloun(www.lxws.net)教育网。