


时间:2021-01-22 16:30:36 阅读:595
英文Presentation究竟应该怎么做? 简介 Presentation skills and public speaking are“learnt”skills–by working on these skills,the quiet and shy person can learn to present with confidence and eventually“Find their voice”. 作为大一大二新生,你有为英语的group presentation(小组展示)苦恼过吗?相比于初高中,大学阶段更加看重学生的语言表达与团队协作的能力,而其实,pre的技能都是可以练出来的!那么到底如何才能"Ace the presentation"呢?做一个精彩的Presentation的必要步骤有哪些?http://www.cieae.net/skills/11.html快来学习一下吧! 1.Introduction介绍与概括 通常做英文presentation之前,组长team leader一般负责向大家问好,以及介绍组员。然后需要概括一下背景知识,快速切入主题,让听众知道从这个presentation中能听到什么。常见表达有: Hello everyone,it's our honor to be here,first of all,I'd like to introduce our team.My name is...I'm the team leader.This is...(介绍组员) •My presentation is divided into three parts.Firstly,secondly,thirdly,finally… •I will talk about… •We will examine… •I'm gonna tell you something about the background… •I will give you some facts and figures… •Our topic is... 2.Mainbody主体部分 在演讲过程中,你需要结合PPT向观众言简意赅地传达你们小组的观点,以及时不时提醒观众为什么这个演讲很重要,阐述所讲的观点和主题的相关性。另外,引用权威数据以及案例也能提高表达的说服力。 这时候,你可以试试看下面的这些表达方法。 •As I said at the beginning… •As you remember,we are concerned with… •This ties in with my original statement… •This links to the question I put to you before… •The interesting/funny thing is... •To give you an example,... 3.Catch your eyes吸引观众的注意力 作为演讲人的你要记住,你的演讲内容对于观众是陌生的。也许你自己非常熟悉演讲的结构,但还是要让观众知道你要转移到新的话题了。除了next,你还可以使用这些transition sentences(过渡句): •I'd now like to move on to… •I'd like to turn to…(把接力棒传给下一个同学) •That's all I have to say about… •Now I'd like to look at… •This leads me to my next point… 当然,你可以用一些小词,比如“right”"well""ok"等来表达你要转向另一个主题。 4.Graphs如何讲解图表 做这种presentation,通常会穿插一些图片,或者表格来做辅助说明。所以,如何引导观众去看图表呢?下面这些方式可以试试看哦! •This graph shows you… •Take a look at this… •If you look at this,you will see… •I'd like you to look at this… •This chart tells us the figures from... •This graph gives you a break down of… 然后,作为演讲人,你需要稍作暂停,给观众一些时间去消化图表上内容,然后向他们解释图表的意义,比如像下面这样: •As you can see… •This clearly shows… •From this,we can understand how/why… •This part of the chart is interesting… 4.Wrap-up收尾 临近结尾的时候,组长需要做一些整体性的总结,比如可以这么说: •That brings us to the end of our presentation.We've talked about… •Well,that's about it for now.We've covered… •So,that was our demonstration of...Overall,we… •To summarise,We've discussed... 5.Thank you感谢致辞 与演讲一样,presentation结束时同样需要演讲人向观众道谢,而不是站在台上面面相觑,等待主持人解围。如果有Q&A环节,也可以向观众表达欢迎提问。 1.That's all for our presentation,thanks so much for listening.I'd be glad to answer any questions you might have. 2.Thanks for your attention.Now if there are any questions,we would be pleased to answer them.
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