


时间:2021-01-07 10:27:57 阅读:359
在进入国外大学深造之前,大部分中国学生是在国外完成的基础教育,甚至是本科阶段。由于教育模式的差异,国内大学并不注重日常的Essay,因此造成了一部分学生留学后也不重视Essay,以十分随意的态度去完成一篇Essay,导致最终的得分也不理想,甚至影响到最终的毕业。对于学术态度严谨的国外大学,对于Essay的要求是相当严格的,这就要求学生在完成Essay后需要多次反复的修改才能达到要求,那么Essay写完后怎么修改?下面就为各位分享Essay代写修改技巧。 Editing is an essential part of the writing process.And it’s the part that students most often skip over.So much can be gained from taking the time to edit your work.Besides the obvious spelling and grammar errors,there’s fixing flaws in logic,eliminating repetition,polishing word choice and improving the overall flow of the essay. 修改校对是一个重要的写作过程的一部分不过很多同学却经常跳过,可以获得这么多花时间来编辑你的工作。除了明显的拼写和语法错误,有固定的逻辑上错误,消除重复,正确的用词,从而提升Essay的整体可读性。 Follow these tips to find out how to improve your essays with editing: 我们可以遵循以下原则来提高你的Essay修改水平: Embrace Drafts 拟草稿 The first thing you need to accept in order to edit your papers well is that you’ll need to write more than one draft.Sometimes a first draft only needs some light editing and sometimes it needs a major overhaul that requires a couple more rounds before it’s finished.If you’re used to cranking out an essay and turning it in as soon as you’ve written the last word,you’ll have to adjust to the fact that editing requires more time and effort than you’re used to putting into your work. 首先你需要接受为了修改你的Essay,你需要写多个草案。有时只需要一些简单的编辑初稿,有时它需要大幅度修改,需要几轮之前完成。如果你习惯起动了一篇Essay,并将其尽快你写的最后一句话,你得适应编辑这一事实比你需要更多的时间和精力投入你的工作。Essay代写完成后的修改步骤有哪些: Give It Time 预留足够的时间 Time is one of the most effective editing tools.Professional writers often put their work away for a while before going back to re-read it so that they can look at it again with fresh eyes.If you tend to write your papers the night before they’re due,you’re missing out on the benefit of this technique.The longer you wait after finishing your first draft and when you go back to edit it,the more thorough and successful your editing will be. 时间是最有效的修改工具之一。作家常常把他们回到之前工作了一段时间重读它,这样他们就可以用新的眼光看一遍。如果你倾向于写Essay前一晚就到deadline了,你错过了这种技术的好处。毕业后你用的时间越长来你的初稿,当你重新修改它,你会发现你的Essay会更成功。 Peer-Edit Asking a friend or parent to read over your essay is a uniquely effective way to edit it.It gives you a totally different perspective that you just wouldn’t be able to have on your own.Make sure you choose someone who is either a good student or an educated adult.And ask them to be honest in their critique. 问一个朋友或家长仔细阅读你的Essay是唯一有效的方法来编辑它。它给你一个完全不同的角度,你就不能自己。确保你选择的人不是一个好学生就是受过教育的成年人。通过他们的批评毫无保留的指出你文中的错误。 Read It Out Loud 大声读出来 When you read something silently,your mind tends to fill in blanks and skip over errors.But when you read something out loud,it tends to highlight the mistakes.Reading out loud also helps you hear the flow of your essay.If you find yourself running out of breath as you read through a marathon sentence,you’ll know you need to break it up.If you stumble over the words,it might be a case of awkward phrasing.Be sure to pause and take notes on what you need to edit as you read through your essay out loud. 当你静静地读一些,你的头脑会填写空格和跳过错误。但是当你大声读一些,它往往强调的错误。大声朗读还有助于你听到你的Essay。如果你发现自己的呼吸在你读通过一个马拉松式的句子,你就会知道你需要休息。如果你结结巴巴的说出这句话,它可能是一个笨拙的措辞。一定要停下来做笔记在你需要修改你大声读的Essay。 Divide and Conquer 分而治之 Another strategy for editing is to do several rounds of it.It can be overwhelming to scan for spelling,grammar,flow,repetition and content.So why not break them up? 修改另一个策略是做几轮。可以是压倒性的扫描拼写、语法、流、重复和内容。为什么不把它们? Read through your draft the first time for content-Make sure there are no holes in your logic.Have you used good examples in your body paragraphs or do you need to find better ones? 阅读第一次草案内容,确保没有超越你的逻辑。你身体很好的例子用于段落或你需要找到更好的吗? Look for word repetition-It’s a common error to repeat words in an essay.Get a thesaurus and find some alternatives. 寻找重复的词——这是一个常见的错误重复单词的一篇Essay中。你得找到一本同义词典,找到一些替代品。 Flow-How does it sound?Is it easy to follow or is it confusing?Using connecting words can vastly improve an essay’s readability.Words such as“Moreover”,“Therefore”,“Likewise”,“On the other hand”,“Alternatively”can help signal the direction you’re going to the reader. 接下来——听起来如何?是很容易继续还是混乱?使用连接词可以大大提高Essay的可读性。词如“此外”、“因此”、“也”,“另一方面”,“或者”可以帮助信号方向你要读者。 Spelling&grammar-Check for run-on sentences,tense and pronoun consistency,commonly confused words(their vs.they’re,your’re,its’s)and general spelling mistakes. 拼写和语法检查用长句子,紧张和代词的一致性,通常混淆单词(与他们,与你,与它的)和一般的拼写错误。 Use Editing Tools 使用专业修改工具 There are a lot of editing apps and tools available to help you spot errors you missed.Try the Hemingway App,an easy-to-use app to help you simplify your language,get rid of run-on sentences,and alert you when you’ve used passive voice.ProWritingAid has a free version for up to 3,000 words.Take advantage of their advanced editing tools to guard against spelling and grammar mistakes,plagiarism and much more. 有很多编辑应用程序和工具可以帮助您发现错误。试试Hemingway,一个易于使用的应用程序来帮助你简化你的语言,摆脱用长句子,提醒你当你使用被动语态。ProWritingAid长达3000字免费使用。利用他们的高级编辑工具来防范拼写和语法错误,剽窃和其他的一些注意要点。 If editing sounds difficult,don’t worry.The more you do it,the better you’ll get at it.And the better your papers will be for it。 以上就是关于Essay修改润色的技巧,同学们在写完Essay后一定要进行检查修改,这样才能有效避免错误。
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