热搜词: 培训 加盟 净水器                                     投稿









  Checklist for Step 1

  ·Are you clear about the dates for submitting the assignment?你是不是清晰提交作业的日期?

  ·Is the assignment title you are working with exactly the same as the title in course documents etc?你已经应用的工作题目与课程内容文本文档等中的题目完全一致吗?

  ·If you have to create your own title/project,are you clear about the instructions?假如务必建立自身的题目/新项目,您是不是能清晰说搞清楚?

  ·Have you identified your question words,topic words and focus words?你是不是确立了难题的关键字,主题内容和聚焦点词?

  ·Have you checked the meaning of any words you don't fully understand?你是不是查验了全部不彻底了解的英语单词的含意?

  ·Have you understood the whole title clearly?你清晰地了解了全部题目吗?

  ·Have you produced an initial plan?你制订了基本方案吗?

  ·Have you included all parts of the question in your initial plan?你是不是已将难题的全部一部分都包含在原始方案中?

  ·Have you created a timeline for your reading and note making?你是否为阅读文章和做笔记建立了时刻表?

  ·Have you planned your reading in advance(core reading etc.)?你是不是已方案好读书计划(关键阅读文章等)?

  ·Do you know how many sources you need to cite?你了解必须引入是多少参考文献吗?

  ·Do you know what type of sources you need to cite?你了解必须引入哪样种类的资源?

  ·Have you setup a system for recording your sources,so you can reference them later?你是不是有一个纪录参考文献的专用工具或是管理体系,便于之后参照?

  ·Do you know what referencing conventions you will need to follow?你了解您必须遵照什么引用格式吗?

  ·Do you know how your department wants you to present yourassignment(layout/ttle page,electronic or print copy etc.)?你了解单位期待您怎样提交作业(合理布局/题目页,电子器件或包装印刷团本等)吗?








  Checklist for Step 2

  ·Have you identified your search terms so you can find your information?是不是已明确搜索关键词,便于寻找信息内容?

  ·Have you identified the type of material you need(i.e.primary or secondary sources etc)?是不是明确了需要的原材料种类(即关键或主次来源于等)?

  ·Do you know howto contact your subject librarian or get help from the library if necessary?是不是了解怎样联络您的课程馆员或在必需时从公共图书馆得到协助?

  ·Have you selected readings for your assignment that may answer specific points in your assignment plan?是不是为工作挑选了能够回应工作方案中特殊难题的读值?

  ·Have you identified readings that are suitable for your assignment(appropriate level of information etc)?是不是明确了合适您的工作的阅读材料(适度的信息内容水准等)

  ·Can you easily separate your notes for quotations taken from your sources?能够边阅读文章参考文献边做注解手记吗?

  ·Are you using a system to take your notes and keep the bibliographical details of your sources?Have you recorded the bibliographical details for each source that you use?是不是已经应用专用工具纪录手记并保存来源于的推荐书目详细资料?是不是纪录了所应用的每一个来源于的推荐书目详细资料?

  ·Have you read and understood the information about plagiarism and howto avoid plagia rising other people's work?是不是阅读文章并了解了相关非常的信息内容,及其怎样防止抄袭别人的着作?

  ·Do you know what information is needed to cite your sources(in-text)and to write your reference list?是不是了解引入来源于(文字)和撰写参照明细需要的信息内容?

  ·Have you organised your tasks in a diary or planner?Have you organised your study materials so that you can easily find the notes you need?是不是在日记或方案中分配好啦每日任务?是不是梳理了学习资料,便于能够轻轻松松寻找需要的手记?

  ·Have you prioritised your tasks for this week?有优先选择分配这周的工作中吗?

  ·Have you included time for relaxation?有方案释放压力时间吗?













  Checklist for Step 3

  ·Have you checked whether your initial notes answer the assignment question?是不是查验过原始手记是不是回应了工作难题?

  ·Have you drafted a revised and expanded essay plan?是不是拟订了修定和拓展的毕业论文方案?

  ·Have you checked that your argument is logical?是不是查验过论点论据是不是尊重事实?

  ·Have you adequately covered your topic including any counter arguments?是不是早已充足包含了您的主题风格,包含一切反论点论据?

  ·Have you included evidence for your points?Have you calculated the approximate word lengths for all sections of your assignment?是不是已出示论点论据直接证据?是不是已测算出工作全部一部分的大概篇幅?

  ·Does each paragraph have a clear topic sentence?每一个文章段落都是有确立的主题风格语句吗?

  ·Does your introduction include a clear thesis statement?详细介绍中是不是包括确立的毕业论文阐述?

  ·Does your conclusion refer back to your introduction?结果是不是能够上溯开始的详细介绍?

  ·Is it easy for your reader to follow your argument-ie.have you used linking and transition words?阅读者是不是非常容易了解论点论据-即是不是应用了连接词和衔接词?

  ·Does your final essay plan answer the assignment question fuly?最后的毕业论文方案是不是彻底回应工作难题?

  ·Have you acknowledged(referenced)all the sources you used in your essay?是不是认可(引入了)您在毕业论文中应用的全部来源于?

  ·If you have used quotations,have you shown these correctly(quotation marks or indenting)?假如应用过冒号,是不是恰当表明了冒号(冒号或缩近)?

  ·Have you got the information you need to write your reference list?是不是已把握参照目录需要的信息内容?

  ·Where you have cited an original source,have you made sure that the grammar in your sentence flows naturally and correctly?在引入初始来源于的地区,是不是保证语句中的英语的语法当然而恰当地表述?







  Checklist for Step 4

  ·Have you checked the number of words you have written in your first draft?是不是查验了原稿中写的篇幅(是不是符合规定)?

  ·Have you written a thesis statement for your introduction?是不是读过依据详细介绍读过毕业论文阐述?

  ·Does your first draft follow the plan laid out in the introduction原稿是不是遵照详细介绍中列举的内容?

  ·NB:Your introduction should state what your argument will show and how you will set out your case.留意:您的详细介绍应表明您的论点论据会表明出什么,及其您将怎样明确提出您的事实论据。

  ·Have you used your writing plan to keep each paragraph'on track?是不是应用创作方案使每一个文章段落维持“一切正常”情况?

  ·Have you saved your work in two separate areas as a backup?是不是将工作中储存在2个独立的地区中做为备份数据?

  ·Have you referenced each source that you have used?是不是引入了您应用过的每一个来源于?

  ·Have you included in-text references plus a list of references at theend of your document?是不是在文本文档结尾加上了文字论文参考文献及其论文参考文献目录?


  ·Have you checked that your argument is presented logically?是不是查验过您的论点论据是不是尊重事实?

  ·Does each paragraph contain only one main idea?每一个文章段落仅包括一个关键观念吗?

  ·Have you included examples and evidence to support your argument?是不是出示了案例和直接证据来适用您的论点论据?

  ·Have you clearly signposted your argument?是不是清晰地标出了您的论点论据?

  ·Redraft:language and style Have you used appropriate neutral objective language?再次改动:语言和设计风格您是不是应用了适度的中性化,客观性的语言?

  ·Does your grammar flow naturally and correctly within each sentence?英语的语法在每一个语句中当然而恰当地流动性吗?

  ·Have you checked for basic spelling and punctuation errors?是不是查验了基础的拼读和标点符号错误?








  Checklist for Step 5

  Checking your referencing查验引入状况

  ·Have you referenced your direct quotations correctly?是不是恰当引入了立即价格?

  ·Have you correctly cited all the sources you used?是不是恰当引入了您应用的全部资源?

  ·ls your reference list complete?论文参考文献目录是不是详细?

  ·ls your reference list in the correct order?论文参考文献目录次序恰当吗?

  Style and formatting款式和文件格式

  ·Have you removed all the'planning'and'reminder'notes from your document?是不是已删除文本文档中全部”方案”和“提示”的标识?

  ·Have you used one font throughout the document?在全部文本文档中应用了一种字体样式吗?

  ·Have you included any coversheet as required by your department?是不是依照单位规定另附了封面图?

  ls your work ready to submit in the correct format to the correct'drop-box'?进行后是不是以恰当的文件格式递交给恰当的“发件箱”?

  Proof-reading and final editing审校和最后编写

  ·Have you checked your introduction?查验了详细介绍吗?

  ·Is your thesis statement clear?毕业论文阐述清晰吗?二

  ·Does your conclusion match your thesis statement?结果与毕业论文阐述相符合吗?

  ·Does each paragraph have a clear topic sentence?每一个文章段落都是有确立的主题风格语句吗?

  ·Does your argument develop logically?你的论点论据逻辑清晰吗?

  ·Have you checked your spelling?查验拼读了没有?

  ·Have you checked your grammar by reading each sentence aloud?是不是根据高声诵读查验英语的语法难题?

  ·Is your punctuation accurate and correct?标点恰当准确无误吗?

  ·Haveyouwritteninasuitablestyleie.using academic register withappropriate specialist language?是不是以适度的设计风格创作,即便具备适度技术专业语言的学术研究表述?