时间:2022-07-31 14:42:06 阅读:111
导师在我们的个人生活、社会生活和职业发展中扮演着至关重要的角色。从谷歌(Google)、 Facebook到世界银行(WorldBank)和特斯拉(Tesla) ,许多公司都在启动导师制项目,高级员工帮助指导更多初级员工。导师指导并不新鲜,它已经存在了很长时间。但究竟什么是一个真正的导师,他们到底是做什么的呢?为什么国际学生需要寻找导师呢?
Find a Good Mentor
Mentors play a vital role in our personal, social, and professional development. From Google and Facebook to the WorldBank and Tesla, many companies are beginning mentorship programs where senior employees help guide more junior employees. Mentoring is not new; it has been around for ages. But what indeed creates a mentor, and what exactly do they do? And why international students need to find mentors?
It is about building a structured relationship:
I have been providing mentorship for many international students as young as 11 and as old as 27 at Wholeren. Creating a formal relationship with each student is essential and necessary. I believe meeting (face to face or virtually) at a specific place and time each week or two weeks is crucial in the mentorship journey. As a mentor, I also establish the objectives of the relationship early on, so the student understands what his or her expectations and obligations should be.
It’s about encouraging students, not babysitting:
One of my primary roles as a mentor is to encourage, inspire, and support my students. However, helping is not the same as babysitting them. I regularly share my experience, knowledge, and expertise. That being said, it is up to the student to implement this knowledge to their own experiences. As a mentor, I do not often correct the students’ errors or stop them from facing failures. The overall purpose is to promote the concepts of learning and moving forward.
It’s all about the BIG picture:
Once my students reveal wherever they wish to be in a given period, I typically define the big picture by offering suggestions as to what efforts will be necessary to make intended goals a reality. I frequently do this by sharing how they can handle a situation or mistake they have made. It means that I provide an honest and sometimes firm assessment of what it is going to take for the student to get there.
Look for Solid Role Models:
I often tell my students to look for additional mentors in school and their internships and those who engage in professional, personal, and social action that others should wish to emulate. Many successful people find themselves as mentors because a younger professional entering the industry informs them of their impact on their careers.
Mentorship is about positive attitude:
The entire journey will have difficulties, setbacks, and many struggles. During the journey, I remind our students a positive attitude and outlook can help them overcome self-doubt or offer encouragement not to be discouraged by any challenging situations. I help my students understand that difficulties, setbacks, and mistakes are not one and done. Mistakes will continue to be made; walls will be run into. My purpose is to help my students find ways to work through mistakes and develop a better mindset towards failure and success.
Giving Constructive Criticism:
As a mentor, I will not refrain from offering constructive criticism to my students. Feedback, even if not always positive, is vital to the student’s personal and professional development. That said, I believe it is essential to provide criticism positively, which is most likely to foster the growth of the individual under my purview. And honestly is one of the most important of the mentor/mentee relationship.
Valuing different opinions:
I believe for a good mentor; it is vital to respect student’s views. Even those involved in the most successful and long-standing personal and professional relationships will often possess countering viewpoints. However, good mentors realize that differing opinions will foster dialogue that can precipitate the creation of more fruitful solutions or outcomes. Understanding that seniority doesn’t always guarantee the best ideas or approaches to situations is a beautiful lesson that mentors can learn from their students.
Having good mentors is an essential part of the student’s journey. Keep in mind that a mentor is not a boss or supervisor, and they aren’t friends. Finding the right mentoring relationship can be an invaluable journey for the professional growth of international students. Mentorship is a unique relationship all of its own that is built based on trust, motivation, confidence, and honesty.
Find a Good Mentor
Mentors play a vital role in our personal, social, and professional development. From Google and Facebook to the WorldBank and Tesla, many companies are beginning mentorship programs where senior employees help guide more junior employees. Mentoring is not new; it has been around for ages. But what indeed creates a mentor, and what exactly do they do? And why international students need to find mentors?
It is about building a structured relationship:
I have been providing mentorship for many international students as young as 11 and as old as 27 at Wholeren. Creating a formal relationship with each student is essential and necessary. I believe meeting (face to face or virtually) at a specific place and time each week or two weeks is crucial in the mentorship journey. As a mentor, I also establish the objectives of the relationship early on, so the student understands what his or her expectations and obligations should be.
It’s about encouraging students, not babysitting:
One of my primary roles as a mentor is to encourage, inspire, and support my students. However, helping is not the same as babysitting them. I regularly share my experience, knowledge, and expertise. That being said, it is up to the student to implement this knowledge to their own experiences. As a mentor, I do not often correct the students’ errors or stop them from facing failures. The overall purpose is to promote the concepts of learning and moving forward.
It’s all about the BIG picture:
Once my students reveal wherever they wish to be in a given period, I typically define the big picture by offering suggestions as to what efforts will be necessary to make intended goals a reality. I frequently do this by sharing how they can handle a situation or mistake they have made. It means that I provide an honest and sometimes firm assessment of what it is going to take for the student to get there.
Look for Solid Role Models:
I often tell my students to look for additional mentors in school and their internships and those who engage in professional, personal, and social action that others should wish to emulate. Many successful people find themselves as mentors because a younger professional entering the industry informs them of their impact on their careers.
Mentorship is about positive attitude:
The entire journey will have difficulties, setbacks, and many struggles. During the journey, I remind our students a positive attitude and outlook can help them overcome self-doubt or offer encouragement not to be discouraged by any challenging situations. I help my students understand that difficulties, setbacks, and mistakes are not one and done. Mistakes will continue to be made; walls will be run into. My purpose is to help my students find ways to work through mistakes and develop a better mindset towards failure and success.
Giving Constructive Criticism:
As a mentor, I will not refrain from offering constructive criticism to my students. Feedback, even if not always positive, is vital to the student’s personal and professional development. That said, I believe it is essential to provide criticism positively, which is most likely to foster the growth of the individual under my purview. And honestly is one of the most important of the mentor/mentee relationship.
Valuing different opinions:
I believe for a good mentor; it is vital to respect student’s views. Even those involved in the most successful and long-standing personal and professional relationships will often possess countering viewpoints. However, good mentors realize that differing opinions will foster dialogue that can precipitate the creation of more fruitful solutions or outcomes. Understanding that seniority doesn’t always guarantee the best ideas or approaches to situations is a beautiful lesson that mentors can learn from their students.
Having good mentors is an essential part of the student’s journey. Keep in mind that a mentor is not a boss or supervisor, and they aren’t friends. Finding the right mentoring relationship can be an invaluable journey for the professional growth of international students. Mentorship is a unique relationship all of its own that is built based on trust, motivation, confidence, and honesty.
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