Essay代写中的Coherence and Cohesion怎样看待?
对接(Cohesion)也是学术研究创作的一个十分关键的层面,因为它会马上危害你创作的主旋律。在学术研究Essay创作拼写错误(grammatical error)尽管危害你的关键见解,可是会危害你的整体成绩。可是,对接的创作并不代表着只是是“英语的语法恰当”的语句;内聚性创作就是指你的观念在语句方面和文章段落方面上的联络。
Coherence means the connection of ideas at the idea level,and cohesion means the connection of ideas at the sentence level.Basically,coherence refers to the“rhetorical”aspects of your writing,which include developing and supporting your argument(e.g.thesis statement development),synthesizing and integrating readings,organizing and clarifying ideas.The cohesion of writing focuses on the“grammatical”aspects of writing.
Cohesion is also a very important aspect of academic writing,because it immediately affects the tone of your writing.Although some instructors may say grammatical errors may not affect your main idea,you will lose mark due to many grammatical errors.However,cohesive writing does not mean just“grammatically correct”sentences;cohesive writing refers to the connection of your ideas both at the sentence level and at the paragraph level.
一个好用的专用工具能够协助你提升创作的衔接性,那便是应用设计概念(concept map)。设计概念也被称作“反方向大纲”reverse outline,如果你进行Essay的关键见解后,把第一段的关键见解写下来——主题风格句(topic sentences)。查验主题风格句是不是与Essay的主题风格阐述关联,或是是不是偏移了关键论点论据。如果你反复这一全过程的情况下,它会协助你更清晰地了解怎样连贯性地发展趋势你的论点论据,及其怎样合理地机构你的念头。
One of the practical tools that can help improve the coherence of your writing is to use a concept map.The concept map is also known as“reverse outline”since you make an outline of your paper after you have finished the main ideas of your paper.
Write down the main idea of each paragraph—which is called a topic sentence—on a blank piece of paper.Check to see if the topic sentences are connected to the thesis statement of your paper or if you have strayed from your main argument.As you repeat this process,it will help you become more aware of how to develop your argument coherently and how to organize your ideas effectively.Here is a concept map template you can use.
最终的最终,期待大伙儿能够依照这一方式多做训练,Coherence and Cohesion提升并不是一日之功,尤其英文Essay工作创作的方法也有思索方法和汉语的区别非常大。仅有持续思索,持续训练,才会有所改进。若由于due的缘故必须尽早提交作业,提议大伙儿挑选留学生作业网的Essay代写服务项目:http://www.cieae.net/essay,原创确保,安全性安心,热烈欢迎咨询在线客服。