留学生要学会独立撰写Essay Outline
许多留学生在进行教师布局的essay写作以前很有可能会被规定写outline,实际上写outline难度系数并不大,可是假如你对你需要写的物品不起作用啥定义得话可能也难以落笔,可是写好outline对你的essay写作是很有协助的。今天就给学生们共享essay outline写作的有关流程。
The origins of outline come from the artistic practice of marking a line around the outer edge of a person or shape in a picture before filling it in.Only later,in the 1800s,did it come to be applied to verbal descriptions,too.Technically an outline suggests a condensed form of something。大家把outline放进写作中,是指a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument。
大家这儿探讨到的outline,是指行为主体段的topic sentence,及其每一个TS后边的论证方式和事实论据。更详尽地而言,大家必须找到关键字中间的关联性,将你脑子里这种词分类,找寻出切实可行的论点论据来支撑点你的阐述,每一个论点论据下边你该怎样来论述也是必须在outline里边体现出去。
我们看这个题型--Should government spend money on public park for everyone or build a sport field for students?
取得题型,先在大脑中飓风一下,相信自己,这不是在消耗你的时间,你全部的构思在brainstorm的情况下就其义自现。这道题型主要是使我们较为public park和field sport的益处。好的,启动你的人的大脑,给你的构思狂放不羁一下。
Park exercise/have fun/make friends/build the body/release pressure/well-being/raise the awareness of environment protection/green/air quality/greenhouse infect/make it comfortable to live—make people healthy/beautiful/tourism attraction/enhance the reputation/employment rate/economy
基础大家到这就掌握到,一边倒早已能够使我们写成一篇构造和内容很圆润的文章内容了。但在动手能力逐渐写以前,我们还必须把上边这种零散的信息内容合并同类项,假如仅仅把在其中的一点写出一个行为主体段,那样下面段内的develop就没法进行,内容也很简单。因此essay outline在这儿就可以使你这些零散的构思融合起来,一篇文章的原型也就拥有。
TS1:To begin with,building a park can improve the quality of life for all citizens and bring about a strong sense of well–being.
for old people:exercise-build the body-healthy
for young people:have fun—date with friends–carry out social activities-release pressure
TS2:Furthermore,a public park can play an important role in helping green the city.
lots of trees–purify the air–decrease the green effect–restore the pure air
TS3:Last but not least,economic benefit gained from a well-developed public park is considerable.
tourism attraction–attract tourists–enhance the reputation–employment rat–boost economic incomes