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三步教你写好literature review,最全模版句合集。

三步教你写好literature review,最全模版句合集。

第1步 Review previous literature



1) This paper will begin with a brief review of the literature regarding

2)Several theories have been proposed to_,some focusing on_,others on

第2步 Reaearch gap

找到之前学者研究局限,Research gap是literature review里最重要的内容


1) Honestly,a close examination of the literature on this subject reveals some shortcomings

2) This paper addresses the need for_,so far lacking in the previous literature

3)These are the heart of the matter that are still not discussed in the prior research

第3步 Research direction

明确研究内容,结合之前找的Research gap,进一步明确本文研究方向


1) A more systematic and theoretical analysis is required for

2) Additional studies are required to understand more comprehensively the key tenets of

3) This paper addresses_,so far lacking in the scientific literature

4) Therefore, one of the tough challenges could be_for all researchers in this domain