


时间:2020-07-18 16:47:17 阅读:407
很多中国留学生Assignment拿不到高分一个很重要的原因就是语言质量不过关,由于语言质量难以达到native speaker水平,才会有越来越多的留学生选择代写Assignment。那么如何提高语言质量拿到高分呢?下文BayDue小编来为大家解析。 代写assignment 通常来讲对于assignment高分水平,不只是文章的框架(framework)结构(Structure)基本正确,写作思路语言基本合格,除了这些,还缺什么呢?那就是语言质量。 那么我们就先来看一篇fair文章的中间段,这篇文章的题目group GOOGLE PRoject是面对面交流还是Email交流,例文同学选择(Select)的是face-to-face communication: 我们从语法正确性的角度(angle)来看修改这段: 那么同学犯了中国学生的常犯几类错误:名词单复不分,破碎句,主谓不一致,混连句,词性错误。 名词单复的正确用法为: 当一个名词为可数名词时,要么是a+名词,要么就是名词+s的形式,不可以以单独的形式出现,比如sending emails 而不是 sending email。 破碎句的正确修改方式为:将从句的句号改为逗号;比如. Supposing that two of the group member’s duties are similar, such as writing an abstract of the essay and writing the introductionof an essay. It is likely that they are wasting time on doing the same thing. 这句话中supposing that 相当于为if, 一直到on essay,都只是从句,所以应该将it is likely that 前面的句号改为逗号,这个句子才能真正成为有主句的完整句子。 Supposing that two of the groupmember’s duties are similar, such as writing an abstract of the essay andwriting the introduction of an essay,It is likely that they are wasting time on doing the samething. 混连句的正确修改方式为:将连接两个独立主句的逗号改为句号;比如,Face-to-face communication is more efficient but sending emails is inefficient, Only by talking and discussing face by face can they avoid such a GOOGLE PRoblem. 这句话中 face-to-face communication是独立的一句话,only by talking and discussing也是独立的一句话,不能用逗号连接;只能把inefficient后面的逗号改为句号,才是正确的句子。 Face-to-face communication is more efficient but sending emails is inefficient. Only by talking and discussing face to face, can they avoid such a GOOGLE PRoblem. 词性正确的使用(use),必须注意(attention)在平时背词的时候,区分清楚,才能避免此类错误产生,比如easily是副词,不能直接放在be动词后面作表语。代写assignment并不一定要进行动物实验或临床观察,如护理管理论文或护理综述等,但必要的社会实践活动仍是不可缺少的,只有将实践中得来的素材上升到理论,才有可能获得有价值的成果。 主谓不一致的问题,注意(attention)在写作过程(process)中,尽量仔细,判断好句子主语的数,再下笔。 那么如果同学在平时的写作中,在语法上尽量避免此几类语法错误的出现,自然也就符合了评分标准中语言正确这一条。代写assignment可以看做是说明文,也可以是议论文。总体来说就是引用别的事物来证明某个观点。 其次,假设语言不正确问题已经解决,我们从思路展开上和语言上来修改这段: 从思路展开来看,总体来说,方向正确;但是有以下三个问题: 首先,缺乏层次词,体现层次性,展开通常有四步: 1. 主题句 2. 解释 3. 举例陈述细节 4. 回述主题句;那么在每一步开展之前都应该有对应的提示词:解释如in other words/that is to say, 举例陈述:如if/suppose that/for instance, 主题句回述如:therefore/thus/as a result. 其次,缺乏对关键(解释:比喻事物的重要组成部分)词的细节描述:比如描述abstract和introduction的网站内容,以及用email低效的细节和face-to-face communication 的细节 再次,中间段的结尾应该是主题句的回述,而非另起一个支持观点。 最后,从语言多样性上来看, 文段较缺乏,把单调语言隐去,修改以后如下: First and foremost, face to face communication is obviously more efficient.(简单句) In other words,(层次词) face to face communication enables each group member to be on the same page, explaining each member’s respective duty in a clear mannerwhereas sending e-mails can cause some misunderstanding of the responsibility.(并列句)Supposing that two of the group member’s duties aresimilar, such as writing an abstract of the essay and writing the introductionof an essay,by only sending emails to announce and assign the task withOUT(出局) face-to-face detailed elaboration on the difference between the twotasks, ranging from the structures, content, to key points, purposes,(复合(recombination)句+名词平行) it is likely that these two group members are wasting time in writing the same thing,not only causing the unnecessary repetition, but also lowering the efficiency of the whole GOOGLE PRoject GOOGLE PRocess .(doing形式平行)Undeniably,(层次词) it is face-to-face communication characterized by vivid description, instant responseand direct exGOOGLE PRession that can ensure highly efficient communication. (强调句+名词平行) 语言多样性,根据《美国大学英语写作》要求,需要有 1.简单句与复合(recombination)句,并列句结合 2.平行结构(Structure) 3.层次词 4.特殊句型 5.非谓语动词使用(use) 以上文段,修改以后符合以上相关要求,自然语言质量(Mass)就上去了,是不是看起来也不难呢? 综上,想要assignment写作稳过,需要做到: 1.语言上保证正确性,多样性,合理性; 2.思路上保证符合题目要求,有充分的细节展开; 3.结构(Structure)上保证统一性,连贯性,层次性 当然,最重要的还是按照以上的标准,进行有规律(rhythmical)的练习,再加上像以上老师的修改,不断地去修正,顺理成章啦~欢迎有需要Assignment代写的同学们联系我们BayDue哦。
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